Candidates Introduction

Thank you for choosing Blueblooded Medical. Our team will ensure that you receive the best possible service and this site is designed to show you what you can expect from us.


Who is Blueblooded Medical?

Since opening, we have been working hard to ensure that our candidates have a great experience of Blueblooded Medical services.

We pride ourselves in being able to provide a level of personalised service and our tract record in finding our candidates the right type of assignments that match not only skill, but also personalities and individual preferences.


Our Commitment to You

We firmly believe that the success of our business centres on a three-way partnership, where you (our candidates), our clients (the companies we work with) and our own staff are of equal importance. Our promise is to treat you how we like to be treated ourselves –with honesty, professionalism and respect.

It goes without saying that we do not discriminate on the grounds of sex, marital status, ethnic origin, race, colour, disability or age, and we adhere to the *Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) Code of Conduct. This, coupled with our own code of values, ethics and standards, means that we go out of our way to listen to and to understand your needs, so that we can find the job you want.


To register with us, call or submit your request for an application pack HERE.